Accepting help is its own kind of strength.
Do you need food assistance or know someone in town that does?

Additional resources that are available in the area can be found here:

Our clients vary in age, size of family and circumstance.  Some need the food pantry for a short period of time to help overcome a setback, others need it on an ongoing basis due to limited income.  All eligible clients are welcome, and all are treated with respect and privacy. First time visitors to the Food Pantry are asked to complete a simple client interview and registration process. All information received is confidential. 

Please call Mary Mikelk at 774-245-8320 to make an appointment. 


Food Pantry services are available to all residents of the Town of Berlin and its employees as well as families of non-residential students that attend Berlin Memorial.  Each client household may receive food twice a month.  The amount of food is dependent on family size and special needs. We currently require no documentation of financial status, just proof of residency in the town of Berlin or documentation that you meet the criteria above. 

What to Expect

We can offer you basic staples, some extras, and toiletries. Sometimes, we are able to accommodate special requests. A supplemental grocery card is provided each month. 

Clients are welcome to make an appointment and come in and shop, one client at a time. A volunteer will be available to assist you.  We are also taking orders by phone, text or email and packing boxes for pickup if preferred. If you are without transportation, we will deliver it to you.

The Berlin Family Food Pantry is located in the Town Offices.